This message box will disappear in a moment: The fourth step is to launch the scan (Part 1).The third step is to configure the scan.We will be selecting the Basic Network Scan for the home use edition. Note that most of the options are for the paid versions. Upon clicking on the new scan, you will be presented with the different scan options provided by the Nessus.This can be done by clicking on My Scans and then on the New Scan button. While logging into Nessus for the first-time, use the following credentials for the login: Admin and Password of your own choice.Place the following URL into your browser: Boot the Kali machine and start Nessus service using the following command: /etc/init.d/nessusd start.Step 2: Set up Kali machine & Nessus scan Output the results into an XML file and note the target IP address.